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Christian Education

Peace Lutheran Church is in the process of reconstructing its Christian education programming after it was suspended during the pandemic. We want to work with our incoming pastor to develop a Christian education curriculum that meets the needs and schedules of individual members and families. At this point, the objective is to go cautiously and incrementally, allowing leadership and the congregation to analyze what worked and where improvements are needed.


The rebuilding process will begin in the fall of 2022 with our confirmation program and will expand to education possibilities for young children and adults in 2023. Updates will be posted on this page.  

Grades PK - 5

More information coming soon!


Coming soon!

Grades 6 - 8+

Confirmation classes are open to students in grades 6-8+.


Beginning in the fall of 2022, Peace Lutheran Church will take a different approach to Confirmation. Confirmation will be available over a 26-week period that will involve in-person study with Pastor Eric as well as at-home activities such as a project and community service. Confirmation Bootcamp is separated into three five- to six-week in-person blocks that study the Bible, Luther's Small Catechism, and Lutheranism (theology and history). Students will have two blocks to complete their confirmation project and participate in community service activities through Elsie's Pantry, Peace's food ministry.


Classes meet in-person in the conference room.

Confirmation Resources:

2022-2023 Confirmation Schedule

Confirmation Covenant


Course Material and Structure: 

Block One and At-Home Work 

The Bible, the First Testament, and Luther's Small Catechism


Block Two and At-Home Work

The Second Testament and Luther's Small Catechism


Block Three and Confirmation (Affirmation of Baptism)

Lutheranism and the Means of Grace

Grades 9 - 12

More information coming soon!


Coming soon!


More information coming soon!


Revelation: A Letter to the Seven Churches
Bible Study with Reverend Eric Randolph
Tuesdays beginning March 21, 2023 through 

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